Cool Stuff

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

AD&D 2nd Edition Revised Session 7

Since our torch had been put out, Ja'Lil searched his backpack for a dry torch.  Nope, it would take about 20 minutes for the torch to dry out enough so we could light it.  Being elves, we could see in the sewer dark enough to make out about 30 feet in either direction.  Behind us, the water started moving faster after the walls seemed to become stone and dirt instead of the concrete walls that surrounded us and there seemed to be a definite downward angle towards the passage.  We looked up and saw that the entrance that had transported us into the sewers had closed shut behind us.  We travelled the other way and viewed what seemed like tunnels to the left and right, however, they were blocked by rusty iron bars.  We decided to continue on and the humming that had been heard throughout the sewers was growing louder.  We finally saw what was making the sound as we glanced upon a huge turbine that kept the water moving, but unfortunately the water was being pushed towards us and we couldn't find a way pass the giant turning wheel.  We went back and Nightwind tried to bend the bars to get passage to what lay beyond, but he was unsuccessful.  However, Ja'Lil must have had the strength of Corellon Larethian himself when he easily bent the bars that  Nightwind couldn't.  We slipped in and continued on, Nightwind leading Bram the human wizard who couldn't see in the darkness.  We made it to a room, but when we were all inside, we were attacked from above.  Large Bats who weren't really large size started attacking us.  They would land and bite, then they would fly off again, then start doing it over and over.  Since it was predictable, we easily wiped them out.  We continued on and had to bend bars again.  Again, Ja'Lil had the strength to bend the bars.  We entered into another sewer tunnel and looked to the left and noticed the same kind of exit that the previous tunnel had where the walls turned to rock and dirt and the water sped up as it descended to someplace.  There was another exit covered by iron bars.  These must have been stronger because it took all of us trying in order to have Nightwind succeed on his second attempt.  We squeezed through the bars and was carefully walking forward.  Ja'Lil noticed a secret door on the wall that led back towards the middle of the sewers.  I, Solon, was the first through and we were quiet so as to not be noticed.  There was a large concrete slab above the water and was dry.  We made our way to the slab and noticed that this room had some ambient light.  Enough for the wizard to see.  We could see that there were four tunnels, all blocked by the rotating wheels and some pipes leading up towards the center of town, probably for the water fountain that occupies the center of Trynt.  However, when we were going to leave, Nightwind must have forgotten to be quiet for when he splashed down into the water towards the exit, the same secret door we entered from, we were surprised by a large-sized Giant Slug that spit slime.  We bested it as fast as we could.  It took a little longer than previous battles since this was the first large-sized creature we had ever encountered.  Again, no treasure.  We need to start making a living instead of relying on our semi-rich wizard friend, Bram.  We left, and went back through the secret door, which was pretty much a old dry hallway covered on the one side with camouflaged sheet that was covered in wet, black, slimy moss-like substance which made it difficult to see from the other side.  We lit the torch at this point.

We started towards the far side of the room and was delighted when there wasn't any bars blocking the entrance into the third tunnel.  We looked across the tunnel and noticed another un-barred side tunnel.  We took that and when we entered the room there, we were ambushed by some Giant Toads which were medium-sized.  We dispatched them quite readily, but it was a challenge since they outnumbered us six to four.  The exit to the room was barred and as far as we could tell, the other entrance to that corner was also barred, so we decided to get some rest on the concrete slab in the middle of the sewers since it was dry.  Ja'Lil cast some healing spells on us and drank a few potions that we had gotten from the wheel merchant that we met on the road to Trynt.  We slept well and now we are deciding what to do.

This is where we left off.  Until next time, safe gaming and have fun.
As promised, below are the maps for the city of Trynt.  Any building that doesn't have a number is either residential housing or something to be decided in the future because a business may be needed.
Northeast corner of Trynt
Northwest corner of Trynt
Southwest corner of Trynt
Southeast corner of Trynt
Sewer entrance/exit for Trynt
List of locations in Trynt
I added the sewers and sewer trap-door on the next couple of maps along with the entrance/exit above after the PCs had already sprung the trap.  However, it was fun coming up with a sewer system.  The TD is the trap-door and yes, there are two of them.

Northwest Trynt Sewer corner
Northeast Trynt Sewer corner
Southeast Trynt Sewer corner
Southwest Trynt Sewer corner
Trynt below.  I also have a treasure map coming soon which they found in Phrum Castle.
Trynt Overlay
Trynt Cardinal Directions

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