Cool Stuff

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Star Wars D20 Revised Session 7

Day One
On board the space frigate, Fra'll and I met Captain Lyn Me's daughter.  The daughter had interrupted our debriefing on what had transpired on the Trade Federation Battleship, however, the daughter seemed innocent enough and looked like a completely healthy nine year old human child.  My master I assumed was the father, but the Captain was not the birth mother, since she is a Twi'lek, even though she was called mother.  All I knew was that the little girl could use the force.  After our meeting, which we informed the Captain of all that had happened on the other ship, Fra'll and I went back to our quarters and we were on our way to Toydaria in hyperspace; we let our new datapads charge.  I then heard a sound coming from Fra'll's room which was next to mine for some unapparent reason.  The room started to get cold and I could see my breath which was quite disturbing in the least.  However, I started hearing this slight tapping sound and at first I thought it was coming from Fra'll's room, but it wasn't.  The sound was coming from the window in my quarters looking into space and since I was sitting on my bunk I could not see what was making the sound.  I stood up and looking at me through the window and waving was one of the Gamorreans that we had previously met.  I notified the Captain, who seemed annoyed to hear from me yet again, and she said she knew because she was talking with one and that Fra'll and I should report to the bridge.  We left immediately.  When we arrived on the bridge the Gammoreans were gone, but they had left a message with the Captain.
She said,"I was told to talk to my husband, your master about changing our destination."
Fra'll, the Captain, and I were gathered around the holo-vid and we saw my Master and the White-robed figure.  The Captain then told my Master that we were told by these Gamorreans while they were outside the ship during hyperspace travel to change our direction and head towards Korriban.  At the mention of that planet I became quite ill.  Fra'll said that he had never seen a white Gungan before.  The reason for the change in destination had something to do with preventing something bad from happening -- like that's something completely original.  Afterwords, Fra'll and I retired for the day in our quarters and our destination changed to Korriban which on our current course would take seven days to reach from where we were somewhere outside the Tapani Sector.
Day Two
Early the next morning I spent some time figuring out how to operate the new datapad and found some kind of shadow icon on the screen, but then I heard a most peculiar thumping sound coming from the door. It sounded like a frog croaking -- thump-Thump-thump.  I opened the door to find a bouncing ball, but there was nobody around in the hallway.  Fra'll then opened his door and looked around apparently looking for the source of the sound.  He noticed the bouncing ball and I noticed his blaster in his hand.  I honestly don't think he goes anywhere without it.  I sensed the Force, a line clear as day to me appeared stretching from the ball to around the corner.  I started following the Force line and it lead me to the quarters of the Captain's daughter.  She was sitting on her bunk and told me that she was bored and wanted to play.  Frankly, I was bored too so I agreed to play with her as did Fra'll.  He must have followed me yet I did not hear him.  We, the three of us, went to one of the unused training rooms.  The one we used had weight lifting equipment.  We started well enough by throwing the ball back and forth, but she threw really hard; harder than a nine year old should, but I figured she was using the Force.  She then whipped the ball really fast; faster than I could see.  She then caught the ball and while facing the other direction she said she was bored and that it was time to make the game more interesting.  So I was thinking that we were gonna toss around the ball using the Force.  I thought little girls were nice, but this one must have lost the training manual.  She threw a weight-lifting bench at Fra'll and I , luckily he pushed me out of the way in time.  Her demeanor had changed and when she looked at us, her eyes were red and her lips the color of a moonless night.  Her lightsaber was red and she looked at us and said, "Let's play."
Fra'll and I ran towards the elevator where the Captain was waiting and as we dived into the safety of the elevator we barely escaped something large hitting the doors.  We left that floor and Fra'll and I grabbed our gear from our quarters.  I vowed never again to be without my lightsaber.  We then started to develop a plan to trap the little girl, but that would take to long.  The ship was somehow stuck in some kind of stasis within hyperspace and we needed to get going.  We needed to scout out what had happened down there though.  The videos of her were not pleasant.  Fra'll and I were elected to go and stop her by stunning her.  We had deactivated everything on her level so we reactivated the elevator and Fra'll and I went down to that level.  When the doors opened, the sheer amount of blood and body parts in the hallway was enough for both of us to lose our stomachs repeatedly.  The blood on the floor was easily about an inch deep.  We made our way to one of the rooms where I saw the lines of Force go in.  Fra'll was behind me.  While I tried getting the door opened, which was only halfway so we had to squeeze to get in, Fra'll was busy attracting the attention of some droids she had corrupted.  By the time Fra'll had destroyed one droid; five more had given us their attention.  We defeated them quite easily, however that short-lived victory was met with some other growls of agony.  When we turned back down the hall where the little girl was, one of the Gammoreans was tromping towards us.  Apparently it had come out of the door of the room opposite the one the little girl was in.  We turned to engage the Gamorrean and met him not far from the door he had left, but in the room the little girl was in, another larger Gamorrean came out, he had bent the door all the way into the room and still had to squeeze out of the entryway.  I took the larger of the two, since it was swinging some kind of club and Fra'll took the other which was swinging a bloody leg at him.  I think he lost his stomach a couple more times than I throughout the gruesome combat, but we finally were able to dispatch the Gamorreans and when we entered into the room with the little girl, she had been waiting, it took a little while to actually get her stunned.  After we stunned the little girl, her quarters became the Brigg and once she was unconscious the hyperspace started again.

This is where we ended the gaming session, so until next time, safe gaming and have fun.

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