The party gets back to town just in time to clean up and get to the funeral. The service is well performed and most of the men-folk congratulate young Fredrick Bancroft, the dead preacher's son, on a good sermon and say that his daddy would be proud. Most of the women-folk can't stop crying. The list of the dead includes: Robert Thicket Jr. (Sheriff), Bill Anders (Doc) and his two oldest sons Dean and Elie, Jon Bancroft (the Preacher), Hugh Hudson Jr. and his brother Hunter Hudson, and the last two were also brothers; Coal and Curt Jackson; there was also seven Arapaho Scouts, but the only one the townsfolk knew was called Running Wolf. The wooden caskets are buried in the cemetary behind the old church with wooden crosses marking the graves.
While the townsfolk bury the dead; Javorin pulls the party to the side at the same time that the party is pulling Javorin to the side. Earl does most of the talking while explaining the situation with the young Hairy Jacks, what they eat and how much, where they are and what they are, and asks if the town could look after them. Javorin gets noticable flabbergasted and doesn't say a word. He just stands there thinking. Earl keeps talking about the underground Rift and how the party has a plan to fill in the well with dirt and bury the rift good and tight. Fortunately, one of the men-folk knew how to dowse for a new well. It took him 2 days to find a new spot and that is where Roger started excavating. Roger went down about 60 feet and stopped, he had hit something metal and MDC. The rest of the party told him to start digging around it and then to clear enough dirt to get the box up to ground level. After Roger had done that, the party marveled at what they had uncovered. It was a metal box, 20 feet by 16 feet and about 10 feet tall. The box was shiny and reflected the daylight pretty darn good. Roger recognized it as some sort of storage box, but he hadn't seen one of these in a long time. Somebody found a small electronic keypad hidden behind some sort of hidden panel.
The group started thinking about what the passcode could be. They noticed that it could take a six digit passcode. The pondered awhile, then someone had the bright idea about the tombstones, the ones that had been there before the town had been there. They remembered that the first stone had the symbol XXX on it and the last one had XXXV, they went back and realized that the middle one had XXXIII scrawled atop it. Thunderheart realized that these were some sort of pre-rifts form of numbers. He determined that XXX = 30, XXXIII = 33, and XXXV = 35. Three numbers, put in numerical form was a six digit number, 303335. They tried it on the keypad. The door opened and Ralph walked in.
Ralph walked in. He noticed a lot of cargo and crates inside. The party also saw the cargo and the eerie red illumination coming from somewhere inside. He was near the back when he spotted movement. Something walked forward slowly and two mechanical voices repeated the word "Tresspasser."
It was two old-style skelebots with glowing red eyes. They party preceded to pack into the crate while Ralph and the skelebots battled it out via energy weapons. The skelebots were having a difficult time hitting the Juicer, but then again, Ralph was having a hard time hitting them. Eventually, the skelebots were defeated with their main bodies destroyed. The party now gets to inventory the tremendous find they have uncovered. The first crate they looked into had seven seperate missile crates in it.
This is where we left off, the rest of the loot will be forthcoming after next session is reported.
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