The group was gathered around Stavros, after Dirk and Roger calmed down the horse teams with the wagons, and he began to explain the situation. Stavros told about how he had come to destroy the Imp and how this Imp was a battle Imp or soldier Imp as they are more commonly called and that it was controlled by the Necromancers. He explained that the Necromancers controlled the Imp and other beings. Stavros also explained about how the Necromancers worked for a man named Narg. He also told the group about a secret group that he was apart of called 'The Brotherhood.' Stavros then explained the situation and where to find Narg and his minions. He told them it would take two weeks to travel there and that the road was perilous. Stavros also told him of his friend, who knew of the location of Narg's compound and that he would lead them there. The friend's name is Northwind Ironfist. (Travis's new character)
The party then went into Scottsbluff and proceeded to sell the wares that they had received from the crates in the backs of the wagons. The items were all new and pre-Rifts. The list is as follows:
a total of 13 large wooden crates
Wagon 1 - 6 crates
Crate 1 - one gun cleaning kit
Crate 2 - 8 large cushions (very nice)
Crate 3 - 8 boxes of 30, 50 Gal. garbage bags (half black, half clear)
Crate 4 - 3 rolls of toilet paper
Crate 5 - one roll Duct tape
Crate 6 - 4 magnifying lenses
Wagon 2 - 1 crate
Crate 1 - 5 Cast-iron pans
Wagon 3 - 6 crates
Crate 1 - 8 car alternators
Crate 2 - one phonebook
Crate 3 - one 20' hemp rope
Crate 4 - 2 sets of silverware (real silver)(21 pieces each)
Crate 5 - 3 watches (Timex)
Crate 6 - 8 Fishing poles with reels and tackle box kits
They sold what they didn't want and made some purchases in town. It is now 2pm and they are getting ready to go back to New Hope.
Thus concluding our session.
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